Using Luna by Wagepoint (if your employer is set up with this service it will be available to access)
- Login to
- Click on “Settings” in the top right and select “Luna”
- Click the “Request Time Off” button
- Select the relevant plan (Vacation, Sick Leave, or Personal Day)
- Choose the Start and End Date
- Confirm the number of hours (Luna expects 8 hours per day off requested)
- For example: if you request 1 day off, please enter (8 x 1 =) 8
- Another example: if you request 3 days off, please enter (8 x 3 =) 24
- Enter a description for the request, so you’re supervisor knows the reason for the request
- Press “Send Request”
- You will receive an email notification when your request is Approved or Denied
- If your request is approved, the number of hours will be subtracted from your “Current Accrued Balance”
- In most cases, employees start with 80 hours (or 10 days) of vacation time per year